Sunday, February 24, 2013

Lent Time

Lent is upon us once again. A lot of people wonder what to give up for the 40 days of Lent. It is good to make a sacrifice and stick with it. For some people what ever he little sacrifice may be, is sometimes a huge thing for that person and it is a trial for them. It is good to make a true sacrifice and give up something you really enjoy. Its heard. Another thing to remember is the sufferings in our lives. Maybe an illness, or some family problem or maybe some type of persecutions you may receive from others can be a trial during Lent as well. How is that so? Well, offering up the illness to God as a sacrifice  for others or maybe yourself. Not getting upset when you are being persecuted by someone and still treating them with love and praying for them with out returning and insult to them. Having total respect for a family member who may be causing you some problems and loving them anyway with out trying to get back at them. Have you ever tried to pray for someone who you know may not like you and causes you all kinds of problems? Believe me it is a sacrifice sometimes to pray for someone like that. But I tell you once you do, you will fill much better and lifted because you know that Jesus did the something for people who persecuted Him or caused some kind of scandal or problem for Him. You are modeling yourself after His example and that can be an awesome Lenten offering to Him. Being able to united your sufferings and problems with our Lord is a big participation in His sufferings as you move through Lent. Caring your cross with Jesus and faithfully walking with Him this Lent can be a big sacrifice but only if you truly carry it in humility with the conviction of offering it as a sacrifice during Lent. You also will be opening up your self to many spiritual gifts that you will be able to know that God is giving you His blessings as you make your sacrifice with full love of our Lord. You can only do it with true love for God. That will be the ultimate offering of sacrifice to God this Lent. God bless everyone this Lenten season, and remember; all for love and glory of God. Pax et Bonum. T

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Don't Keep Him To Yourself

There are a lot of people who say their relationship with God is between that person and God only. They do not like to share their experiences of Him with anyone. I think that sharing your relationship with God is a good thing. I have found that when you share your experiences with others you not only help people to know God who may never have really given Him a second thought, but maybe you will be able to help others hearts want  to turn to Him more or maybe turn to Him for the first time. When you have someone special in your life one of the first things you do is tell others and share that relationship with people. You are happy and excited and would like others to know about that person. You are not ashamed to let others know about them. Same thing here with your relationship with God. Share all you can about all that He has done for you in your life. You are giving Him glory by your witness. If people see how excited and happy you are to have Him in you life had that you keep close to Him you may be able to help someone that just might be in need of Him but was maybe to afraid to get close to Him or try to have relationship with Him. When others see how He has moved in your life that could be the moment that the other person will make a choice to want to get to know God and that key moment just might help to save their soul from something they may be going through that would otherwise make them lose their soul. I say let everyone know about your love for God and how good He has been to you. One of the greatest gifts you could ever give to someone is that witness of God in your life. That other person could just be needing that key moment of your sharing that will save them for eternity and help them to love our creator with all their hearts too. Peace  T

Friday, November 9, 2012

Losing A Beloved Creature

Death is a hard thing to deal with when it comes to a family member, a friend or even a pet. You can turn to friends and family to help comfort you and that is a great thing. Turning to God in a time like this is even more important. No one else can understand death or why a person or pet has to die. Its hard to find real comfort in a situation like this. God is the only one who knows when death will happen to someone we love or our beloved pet that has brought so much companionship in our lives and unconditional love. I think that God puts people into our lives for a certain reason and we may not know what that reason is but when its been accomplished then sometimes its time for that person to be taken out of our lives by death or walking out of our lives. God created all things and He puts His creatures into our lives such as pets. We are charged with watching over them, protecting them and caring for them. In turn they show us love back and are great companions for us. We are meant to treat Gods creatures with respect and love especially when He has entrusted that creature to us. When it is time for God to take that creature back we need to try and give it back to Him with total trust that the time He meant for that creature to spend with us is over. We should feel very blessed to have been entrusted to being the care taker of that creature. I know its hard for a lot of people to lose a loved one and that goes for pets as well believe me I know. Our pets show us love and scenes when we are feeling sad, mad and happy. They have some kind of awareness that is in tuned to us and why shouldn't they, we are all created by God and have that connection of love. When the time comes that God is taking back that little creature from you and you know you have done the best job you could at taking care of that creature, make sure you thank God for Him entrusting you as care taker of that special creature and give thanks that that special pet was in your life for as long as was allowed. I know I will always treasure the time that was given to me with my special little creature and she will always be in my heart. Love never ends, it lives on always.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Read, Ponder, Imagine.

There are some people that do not like to read the Bible because they find in boring or they don't understand it at times. I will admit that some parts of it are a bit hard to understand but it is far from boring. The word of God is alive through all of time. What I like to do when I read the Bible is read it carefully. Then I like to ponder on what I just read to help it sink in. Then I like to imagine the whole scene I just read. How the people looked, how they lived and how the area might have looked.  Getting a living scene in my mind as I read through the Scriptures helps me to really get a good concept of what is going on or what lesson is being focused on. I find that when I do this it takes me back in time and then the Scripture comes alive for me in a special way. At first it may not be easy to do but once you are able to do it you will be surprised how into the Bible you will get. What is awesome is that it not just applied to that time but it applies to the present time. It is awesome to know that these people were listing to Jesus in the flesh on the Sermon on the Mount or during one of the big gatherings as he preached or at the wedding at Cana. Its amazing to know that we can be taught by Jesus or the Apostles as if they were right in front of us. Try to imagine the sounds, the smells, the landscapes and throng of people and I grantee you that your Bible reading will be such a profound experience that your reading of the Scriptures will take on a new level of meaning for you in your heart. Peace. T

Monday, September 3, 2012

Turn To God

Turing back to God in this day and age is something I consider very strongly. There are a lot of things in life that can bring you down or lead you in the wrong direction. Turning in and relying on yourself is not always a great Idea. People often feel alone and on their own. When you turn to God for help and abandon yourself to Him completely you will not feel alone. He will guide you and lead you in directions that are good for you. You will also be on the right path of life and not of death. To many people feel alone and confused. Just drifting around in the wind in all directions. That is not good.  It makes you feel unsure of life and what your purpose is. We are here to know, love and serve God. We are not the ultimate, God is and when you let Him lead you, you will not be disappointed. You nor I have to go through life on our won with no help. It is fine to let others help you, no doubt about that. But when you leave God out and follow man only chances are you will be lead wrong. Now is the perfect time to turn you heart to God and depend on Him. He has created you and me and we need to never throw Him out of your life thinking we can do this without Him. Giving myself to God and depending on Him has helped me to get my life together and I can say that I do not  get depressed or very worried since I rely on God to lead me and help me as I go about life. It is beautiful to rely on Him and even though you do not see Him physically you will feel Him in your heart and see Him with the eyes of you soul. You can not rely on your physical eyes on this one. But with the eyes of your heart ans soul believe me you can see Him and He will make Himself known to you. God loves you because you are His and He waits for each of us to turn to Him and and love Him without reserve and put Him first in your life. If you put Him first in your life He will give you everything else you need to make it in this life. Please turn you to Him ans set your heart on Him and you will not be disappointed. You can count on Him always. Peace. T